Sunday, 11 March 2007

OE musings

When I was young(er) and first thought of doing an OE I never thought I’d end up in London. The whole idea of working behind a bar (phew avoided that) having people sleeping in the hallway (avoided, although we also don’t have a hallway) and hanging out in places like The Church, as seemed to be the norm for others had no appeal to me.

Years later when Paul’s older and wiser sister mentioned that she was off to the Church with friends the temptation to OE like an 18 year old was too great, and troops were rallied to attend…. and tie bags of beer our belts….

Dr Mel, Becks & Paul

Paul & Andrew

Mel & Becks

Paul, Amy and Amy’s tonsils

I can now say “been there, done that”, and am unlikely to ever go back.

Spring has sprung in London and the days are getting longer and warmer. Today was a barmy 17 degrees, perfect for walking through the park and admiring the daffodils. Unless you’re Paul where it was a perfect day to go to Twickenham and see France loose to England for the six nations.

Highbury Fields

This is the same view as one of the snow photos...

With tickets to the world cup having been purchased for the price of a NZ house deposit a year ago the six nations is being watched intently in this household and I still can‘t decide if France or England is the greater evil. The flight print outs are also on the notice board as a constant reminder of our carbon footprint. Roll on September!

It’s now only five and a half sleeps to India, not that I‘m counting. I’ve spent all my wages in Blacks and Kathmandu and Paul and I are now having anti-malarial tablets with our breakfast.
My first trip to India was to visit World Vision projects in 1996, so I‘m a little late in getting back within 10 years like I promised myself, but only just. It was at the time one of those rather overwhelming places, and I’m sure that it still will be but I’ve now travelled more I’ll be a bit more prepared for the noise the smell and the colour.

Paul has never been - he could be in for a shock!

Best be off now, have lots of bags to pack as before we leave for India I’ve got three days in France for work.

Has anyone got some carbon credits I can buy?

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