Wednesday, 11 October 2006

A surprise morning at home

Or the joys of the NHS...

I have managed to bung my foot in and in true Brit style I can't see a doctor until sometime next year, unless I go to a drop in clinic. So I dropped in this morning and they can't see me until 10.30 (hmm sounds a little like an appointment to me!).

Anyway this means I have a couple of hours at the house before heading back to the clinic. Time to pay some bills, order some groceries and listen to my new favourite thing on the net - Pandora - it probably works best with broadband but you can plug in an artist or song and it makes a station of music for you.

Now to go do all that productive stuff...

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Hope your foot is better soon. (Arnica ointment worked well for me when I had my escalator incident on the way to America.) And thanks for the Pandora tip - music to quilt by...